Compañeros de la revista Return Fire tradujeron al inglés y publicaron el texto sobre fracking que publicamos hace ya algunos años, dejamos aquí el texto en inglés y el pdf de la revista, para posibles interesados. Agradecemos a Return Fire su colaboración y su trabajo.
What is Fracking?
Fracking or hydraulic fracture is an
unconventional method of extraction of
natural gas, also known as “shale gas”.
This gas, fundamentally composed by
methane, is found stored in small pores or
impermeable rock bubbles, normally of
schist or slate, located thousands of
metres below the surface. “Unconventional
gases” are denominated to those that for
their cost or difficulty of extraction are less
profitable. However, with the advance of
extractivist technologies, these gases can
be catalogued as conventional in a short
period of time.
The hydraulic fracture consists in
“breaking” or “fracturing” the mother rock
that contains the gas for its extraction. For
this a perforation technique is used: firstly
the surface is drilled for up to 5,000 metres
vertically and after that several horizontal
kilometres are also perforated (from 1.5 to
5 km). After this water with sand are
injected with great pressure (98%). It
should be noted that this water and sand
also contain a series of chemical additives
(2%). This provokes small explosions that
fracture the rocks and liberate the gas,
which ascends from the surface through a
pit. The sand mixture is in charge of
keeping the fracture open in order to
constantly keep obtaining gas. Part of the
injected mixture returns to the surface
(between 15 to 85%[1]), whilst the rest ends
up in uncertain places.
The usual step in these types of
exploitations is to build platforms that
contain between 6 and 12 pits of
extraction, in order to allow the surface of
the terrain that occupies the platform to be
composed by tens of hectares. To this we
must add that the pits have a very brief
useful life, which allows the occupied
surface by the platforms to occupy a huge
area of a territory.
Why Fracking?
Currently, even though natural gas
consumption is booming, electrical energy
(primarily generated thanks to petroleum
and the consumption of fossil fuels)
represents around 80% of the global
energy consumption. On the other hand,
the extraction of conventional natural gas
possesses an energy return on
investment (EROI) of between 1 to 6 and
unconventional or “shale gas” between 0.7
and 13.3. These are ridiculous numbers
compared to the current energy return on
investment of petroleum, which can have
rates of 100.
Then, why invest millions of euros in its
extraction? This is easy to explain if we
analyse the current energy crisis[2]. There
are many studies, books and publications
that have invested their efforts into
demonstrating and studying that we have
reached the peak oil process and that the
new petroleum pits discovered possess
less fuel of worse quality, bigger cost of
extraction and, therefore, less EROI. This
theory is easily predictable by simply
analysing the spectacular increase of the
price of fossil fuel.
We survive in a system completely
dependent on fossil fuel and electrical
energy generated by the same, which also
base their system of social domination on
energy control. It would be stupid or
ingenuous by our part to think that the big
defenders of this system of social
domination, which include huge petroleum
companies, were not going to reinvent
theirselves so that the end of cheap
petroleum doesn’t suppose a threat to their
businesses, privileges and power of social
control. It is here where fracking serves as
a tool to delay the discovery of new
alternative energy sources. By improving
extractivist technologies and conducting
explorations in many places of the planet,
the gas reserves will be able to be
maintain their energy system for a short
period of time and prevent the explosion of
a true energy catastrophe, which doesn’t
benefit in the slightest big petroleum
Why Oppose Hydraulic
There are many varied motives to oppose
the extraction of unconventional gas. It is
obvious that such an aggressive
extractivist method will provoke a series of
environmental problems.
On the one hand it is of vital importance to
highlight the contamination of aquifers and
subterranean waters, created due to the
filtration of the mixture that is injected in
the pits for the extraction of gas. These
600 chemical substances injected into the
surface, many of them carcinogenic, end
up in subterranean waters and will
consequently be consumed by all
human beings and animals, thus
generating a chemical contamination
of all the affected ecosystems. These
human beings will be affected by this
consumption of contaminated water.
This has already been demonstrated
through the analysis in cow livestock
in several areas of the United States,
where many animals suddenly died
after consuming water close to the
gas platforms. The effects towards
the human race will take longer to
appear, but can go from stomach
infections to cancer, along with
provoking death after constant
Another type of contamination that fracking
provokes that isn’t well known is the
emission of radioactive substances to the
atmosphere. Substances that are found
naturally in the depths of the ground and
contaminated water can also reach the
atmosphere. One of these chemical
substances is radon222, which is the
second highest declared cause of lung
The small explosions generated by the
injection of pressured water are also
capable of causing seismic movements
into the ground, as demonstrated in places
like England or the United States[3]
. This
could explain, along with popular
opposition and French colonialism in Mali
and Niger [ed. – i.e. also over access to
uranium and other fuel sources], the
prohibition of this method in France, where
the huge quantity of nuclear plants
combined with earthquake risks could
cause huge catastrophes.Extractive platforms generate a series
of environmental and pollutive
consequences that are hard to list. It is
not only about the visual impact of the
platform, the waste from concrete, gas
pipelines, etc. But also the creation of
roads, transportation of materials, the
canalisation of water into the platform,
the large water waste, the
deforestation of the terrain, the
erosion, the creation of residual ponds
and many more problems that would
require a lot of paper to write down.
These ecological and health
consequences should ideally be the
main reason to face and stop these
projects if we truly valued the health of our
surroundings. However, these are not even
the most important reasons to stop
fracking: if companies were truly interested
in investing into improved extractivist
technologies in order to guarantee that no
health dangers existed there would still be
enough factors for us to oppose these
projects. Fracking opposition, from our
part, should include the fact that it is a new
method of exploitation of natural resources
that only contributes perpetuating an antiecological,
exploiting, unfair and inhuman
system. We don’t only express our
opposition to fracking as an aggressive
method to extract gas, but also to the
opposition of any type of extraction of gas.
Permissions, Licenses &
Currently there are over 30 permits of
exploitation conceded in the [Iberian]
peninsula, concentrated around the north,
primarily. These numbers are everchanging
due to the approval of new
permissions, as there are already more
than 50 solicitations; but also due to the
opposition and resistance from some
communities to allow these projects (albeit
the latter is improbable and abstract).
These exploitations will be conducted, if
we don’t stop them, by businesses like
SHESA (Society of Hydrocarbons of
Euskadi); BNK Petroleum, with its Spanish
counterpart Trofagas, Heyco, R2 Energy
and San Leon Energy.
The False Opposition to Fracking
From the arrival of the plans of exploration
of shale gas in the [Spanish] State, there
are many voices (from individuals and
collectives) that have risen up to try and
prevent these exploitations of gas. For this
reason, it is important to analyse
determined strategies and alternative
methods of fighting presented by
numerous ecologist groups which, in our
opinion, aren’t effective or coherent and
are even capable of benefiting the enemy
that they intend to destroy.
In regards to the methods of struggle: the
first thing that we must clarify is that
fracking is a global problem originated by a
global energy scheme. It is not only about
a project in a specific area. Due to this it is
important to conduct the fight against
fracking on a global level and not only
focus it on a specific platform, valley, etc…
(No Fracking, not here or anywhere)
The town halls and Autonomous
Communities[4] belong to a State that
encourages and support this global plan of
energy development based on the
hydraulic fracture. Due to this it lacks
sense, from a logical perspective, to use or
beg these institutions to stop fracking. On
the one hand, it is obvious that if we intend
to stop fracking, any type of dialogue with
the State contributes towards an
anticipated defeat. On a moral level it is a
lost battle. It is true that in some cases the
collection of signatures and pressure from
political groups have managed to stop
some local projects.
However, these are
underwhelming victories,
as no global opposition
is ever presented, only
local. On the other hand,
if the governments
indeed stop specific
projects it is only
because these are not
fundamental projects for
their energy
development. In the
case of fracking in the
[Spanish] State, several
specific permissions can
be obtained this way, because there
are countries with enormous levels
of poverty that exist, with bigger gas
reserves and less popular pressure,
allowing businesses to easily extract
gas from those places. Therefore,
the only way to oppose these megaprojects
effectively and coherently is
through a real fight, not
collaborationist, that at the same
time develops a global criticism
towards capitalism.
In regards to alternatives: This is
probably the most delicate and
controversial point. The only
proposal by “eco” friendly parties,
NGO’s and ecologist collectives against
fracking are renewable energies,
accompanied by a light decrease in the
levels of consumption.
Renewable energies can pose, with a big
economic investment in investigation and
development, an alternative to the
extraction of gas through hydraulic
fracture, but they will never be an
alternative to capitalism. The ideal world
that these groups offer needs more roads,
industries, trucks, primary resources, big
factories, video surveillance and electricity
cables passing through the woods to fully
function. Renewable energy is also
completely dependent on fossil fuels
(plastics, transportation through roads,
vehicles, etc…) and continues forcing
human beings to work to produce cars,
wind turbines, solar panels, etc; which
impedes the liberation of the individual,
who is still tied up and trapped in a sick,
unhappy and monotonous job and lifestyle.
On the other hand, these groups don’t tend
to propose any political change
accompanied by their “renewable
revolution” in order to continue a capitalist
system where the only things that matter
are money and economy, thus ignoring
values like friendship and nature. This
approach not only represents no real
alternative to the system of domination, but
can also drastically benefit it. In a world
where contamination reaches extreme
levels, cancers increase enormously and
the disasters provoked by petroleum and
nuclear energy are part of our everyday
lives, the best alternative to maintain the
system of domination is through renewable
energy. In fact, it’s what is slowly extending
the system. Small steps are being taken to
improve the profitability of renewable
energies, creating electric vehicles, etc…
This way the State and businesses clean
their image towards the people that they
have to exploit, whilst they also pretend to
care about the planet’s health without
changing the system of domination.
We don’t want a world where the same
contradictions continue to be applied,
A landscape of fracking wells, U.S.A. where people's lives are completely
domesticated, robotized and alienated and
where the relationship between human
beings and nature is inexistent. We don’t
want cities painted a pretentious “eco”
green or a scenery full of wind turbines of
more than 100 metres in height. We fight
for a free world where people can reestablish
their relationship to nature that
prevailed during centuries past. We fight
for a world where capitalism and
domination disappear, which is only
possible by renouncing the commodities
that the energy and technological system
provide for us. A world without fracking, or
petroleum, or renewable barbarities: a
free and wild world.
1. The numbers of return of contaminated water
are proportioned by the own extractivist
businesses, are not validated by any independent
study. Therefore it is probable that the
percentage of water that isn’t recovered is bigger
than as indicated.
2. One of the key concepts to understand the
gravity of the energy crisis is the EROEI (Energy
Return on Energy Investment. The TRE is the
relationship between energy that a well provides
us and the energy that we have to spend to
obtain it. Hence, conventional petroleum has an
EROI of 20, which means that for each unity of
energy destined to the production of petroleum
(in the elaboration of materials used in wells, its
installation, perforation, operation, the
maintenance, etc) 20 unities of energy are
obtained. The critical value of the TRE is 1: when
the TRE arrives at an equivalent, lots of energy is
renewed as the one invested and the system
stops having any sense as an energy source.
3. ed. – Fracking near Blackpool in the north of
England by the company Cuadrilla was halted
after causing two minor 2011 earthquakes,
while the U.S. state of Oklahoma for example has
seen a sever spike in quakes of 3.0 magnitude or
higher since 2008, when fracking ramped up in
the area. The number of 3.0 magnitude quakes
rose from 2 in 2008 to 889 last year; as of this
November, there have been 572 so far in 2016.
4. ed. – Autonomous Communities are the 17
separatelygoverned semiautonomous regions
of Spain, i.e. Catalonia, the Basque Country,
Galicia, etc.